Friday, July 4, 2008

Our Own Marching Mancell

Tony dressed up as a "Mancell" ........The girls marching team is called the Lancell's and they dressed the guys up in their old outfits to do a routine at a basketball game. Tony posed before leaving for the game and I had a hard time holding the camera still because I was laughing so hard. I am sure I will never see him in an outfit quite like this again!! Tony excelled at anything he tried including being a Mancell!! He is such a fun young man with so much personality!!!! He always puts his heart and soul into anything he set out to do!!


Melissa said...

Oh my gosh! What a pretty boy you have :-) Those are cute pages...I LOVE how you did the journaling!

elder sessions said...

tony you kill me brother even when we are so many miiles away you still make me laugh.

Melissa said...

I LOVE your new header! To get the back of it off go to EDIT HTML then go to where it says header and delete it! SUPER CUTE!

Deb said...

I love looking at your blog - it is so fun and creative. The creativity gene in my family went straight from my mom to Melissa and Kristin, totally skipping me. Oh well - Melissa helps me every now and then.